La Constitution européenne-ses innovations-son rejet par la France et les Pays-Bas respectivement en
2005 年 5 月 29 日,法国为第一个欧盟成员国以公投的方式反对欧盟宪法;三天后,6 月 1 日荷兰也以公投方式反对了欧盟宪法。这结果......
Le Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL) est le fruit de plusieurs années de recherche linguis......
Cyanobacteria attracted much attention recently because of their secondary metaboliteswith potent biological activities ......
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This issue “creative field ” continue to vote o......
To later generations, it seemed that the Soviet position was opposed to the Great Leap Forward and the people’s commune......
项目名称:瑞士Moréchon 2校园中心业主:commune/canton设计单位:rk studio建筑事务所建设地点:瑞士瓦莱州萨维耶斯建筑层数:4建筑......
普通念珠藻(Nnstoc commune,俗称地耳葛仙米)及发状念珠藻(Nostoe flagehiforme,俗称发菜)的粗蛋白、氨基酸、灰分及9种无机盐的测......
Le système éducatif belge actuel est le résultat de la paix scolaire coulée dans une loi votée le 29 mai 1959:le“P......
Pour commencer,je souhaiterais rafrachir votre mémoire en vous parlant de la fameuse tour de Babel,telle qu’elle nou......
Phenolic acids isolated from the fungus Schizophyllum commune exert analgesic activity by inhibiting
The present study was designed to search for compounds with analgesic activity from the Schizophyllum commune(SC), which......
La culture franaise dans la tête de beaucoup de mes amis,c’est le romantisme.C’est vrai,c’est une idée commune la......
A new anti-hypoxia functional agent ——Schizophyllum commune fermented broth and its biochemical mech
In order to overcome hypoxia induced sickness,a stable source of anti-hypoxia functional agents, Schizophyllum commune f......
许多高等担子茵产生的胞外酚氧化酶,在木材腐烂或落叶分解的最后阶段发挥了重要作用。Clutterbuck认为,构巢曲霉(Aspergillus nid......
为了深层培养裂褶菌Schizophyllum commune Fr.产生多糖,对产多糖的适宜培养基,最佳时间,高产菌株进行了研究。从南京灵谷寺及南京......
裂褶菌Schizophyllum commune (Fr. ) Fr.属裂褶菌科(Schizophyllaceae),在我国云南等地民间早有食用及药用的传统,药理试验表明,......
As part of my fieldwork in Dai villages between2006 and 2007,I made a 45-minute anthropology documentary of a rite calle......
裂褶菌(Schizophyllam commune Fr·)和采绒革盖菌(Coriolus versieolyQuel),分类上属担子菌纲的伞菌目、口蘑科、裂褶菌属和多孔......
Ce sujet me rappelle un film franais que j’ai vu en France Qu’est-ce qu’on a fait au Bon Dieu,c’est une comédie d......
Lorsque les premiers hommes ont quitte les forets,les frontieres de ce monde-la allaient sans cesse reculer sous leurs p......
Levels of liver and muscle glycogen, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), blood lactic acid (LD), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) an......
is an investigative report on “contracting output quotas to households under unified management” as a form of the sys......
A 508 bp fragment of a putative pheromone receptor gene from Lentinula edodes was amplified by PCR using a pair of degen......
Artificial induction of labor (AIL) is the set of techniques intended to induce childbirth in order to reduce maternal-f......
采用正交试验分析了不同环境条件对念珠藻地木耳(Nostoc commune Vauch)生物量和多糖分泌的影响。结果表明,在适宜的温度、光强、......
Bryophytes are broadly used as bioindicators. However, the internal distribution of accumulated elements in the moss tis......
The "Two Leaps" put forward by Deng xiao-ping on agriculture are expounded in the paper. The first leap is from the peop......
is an investigative report on 'contracting output quotas to households under unified management' as a form of th......
多数西欧国家的基层行政区划单位的英语通名为 commune,德语通名为Kommune,意大利语通名为comune,法语通名与英语通名的书写形式......